Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Elements of art, 3 word sentence project

3 Word sentence project depicting the elements of art. Shape, Form,Texture, line, color, value and space.
   With the beginning of the year kicking off into a busy start I have finally found a moment to post on this years projects, fun and advice. I'm dedicating this entry to one of my favorite beginning projects. The elements of art, 3 word sentence project. This fun filled assignment focuses on teaching and putting into action their new found knowledge of the elements of art. I usually do this project with both my Art 1 middle and high school students. I start this unit the 2nd/3d week of school and it usually goes on until about the 4th week.

3 Word sentence project depicting four elements of art. Texture, form, line, shape
 I begin the unit with a power point that showcases the 7 Elements of art,(Shape,Color, Texture, Form, Value, Line and Space). After showing the power point, I have them think of a 3 word sentence to write on a small strip of paper. Once that's accomplished the students place all their strips of paper in a bag. I then go to each student an have them pick out a strip from the hat. Whatever destiny decides is the sentence they base their project off of.  I have the students take their 3 word sentence and using bubble letters they'll place it in the middle of their paper. After doing that, I have them fold it twice so that they end up with 4 rectangle/ 4 different quadrants. The students then choose 4 -6 elements of art that they're familiar with and they depict them has the backgrounds of the 3 word sentence. I find that the four quadrants help the students focus on 1-3 elements at a time, as well as making for an interesting composition. Enjoy the interesting outcomes :)
3 Word sentence project depicting 5 elements of art , Texture, line, shape, color and space