Sunday, November 29, 2015

Practicing Value and Observational Drawings With Lego Blocks

Observational drawings showcasing Lego Blocks with values.
In this post I will be showcasing a great technique to get students to think about value and practice observational drawing techniques. Previous to assigning the project I spent some time gathering the materials which in this case turned out to be Lego blocks. I found that the project becomes more relatable by using an object that all students are familiar with. Before assigning the project I spent some time arranging the Lego Blocks into arrangements of different compositions. Below you will find a step-by-step guide to realizing this great project.

Observational drawings showcasing Lego Blocks with values.
1.I had each student pick a Lego Block composition and take a sheet of paper.
2. The students then divided their sheet of paper into 4 quadrants. On each quadrant they wrote one of the following, side 1-side 4.
3. For about 2/3 class periods(60 min) the students focused on observational drawings of the Lego
Blocks. The drawings each correlated with a specific side of the Lego Block chosen by the students.
4. The last class period was focused on using color pencils to showcase the values of the Lego Blocks. Below you will find some completed works.

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